Wednesday, 19 October 2011

What a mess ...........

Hi everyone & welcome to my blog

Today I'm taking part in WOYWW, although the shame should be to much to even open the door.

The computer & diary are ready to get today's orders out the way, so I can then crack on with the pile of stuff to the right... of which I am not quite sure what is in amongst it!

Piles of made cards, magazines, blank cards, tape measures??? of yes I am measuring up for a new bird cage for my Zebra Finches (Tom & Babs), Christmas gifts/cards packaged ready to list in my store.
As you can see just in the far right bottom corner the mess has even crept onto the floor (yes I do hang my head, and I can't quite believe I am disclosing all of my mess, lol!)

Best get going, I have until 4.15 today as the little one has Drama club after school. 
Thank you for popping by, I will be having a snoop around all of your lovely inspriational work desks tonight xx

Love Em x


Fuchsia said...

Looks quite tidy to me LOL
Happy Wednesday x

Jennibellie said...

Very tidy desk, good luck with your busy day. Thanks for sharing, much love, Jennibellie x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Your desk is pristine compared to some, mine included!! Great names for your finches, lol!!
Hugs, LLJ #40 xx

mamapez5 said...

Move the diary and you have space to work. What more do we need! I think you look pretty tidy anyway. Well done, managing all your craft, a shop and a running a youngster around. Thanks for sharing. Kate x

Dandelion and Daisy said...

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your well used desk. Isn't that what desk are for, to pile things on!!!

Inkypinkycraft said...

Wow your desk looks tidytoo me?!! Very organised thanks for popping by trace x

Jingle said...

That's not even a LITTLE messy! LOL!

Sandra H said...

Your desk is perfect compared to Sandra H

The Crafty Elf said...

You've got a great space there so enjoy! I do love your name...not going to lie! Too cute and so close to home! Thanks for the visit and have a super week!

JoZart Designs said...

Well all credit to you as you look tidy, organised and productive to me! Not bad eh! Good luck with your craft shop..
Love JoZarty x

Julia Dunnit said...

Well, ELF woman, I can't believe that you find this shameful!! Oh my you must nearly have heart failure when you see my desk! If you hurry through the orders, then just close the diary - pow! loads of room without tidying up!!

Anonymous said...

If we can see the desk then you can't legally call it untidy, lol!!

Brenda 86

Angie said...

This is just a busy space is not messy ....believe me xx

Bugged Designs said...

You're desk doesn't look too bad, and I wouldn't worry about having stuff all over the floor either (or on the stairs, landing, bedroom....) Thanks for sharing and stopping by my desk too :)