Sunday, 7 November 2010

My First Wedding Cake....

Hi and Welcome to Elf's Crafting Life...

Well I must admit I am glad that week is over.  It has been crazy here!  What with catching up with work from being away, washing (still trying to catch up on that!) and the daunting task of my first big wedding cake. 

I was so worried about making my cousin's cake for her big day.  I normally only make birthday cakes for family and the odd bake with Abigail ~ I do so enjoy baking but for a cake of that importance it was alot of pressure, but YIPPEE I think I might have just pulled it off!!! They loved it!!! I am so glad I put so much into it I don't think I could have got it to look any better ~ I am so critical of my own work but this one I was quietly happy with. 

The brief was to bake individual cupcakes ~ 90!!  and a top cake with the bride and groom in the bonfire ~ well I wasn't about to burn the bride and groom no matter how much the bride wanted to, so I made them to stand beside the bonfire.  The colour scheme was red, orange and yellow. 

Cupcakes ~ Chocolate sponge cakes with white, milk and dark chocolate topping with the icing Gerbera decoration with edible glitter (a bit of sparkle for Bonfire night).  For the top cake I made a chocolate sponge and made a fudge icing.  The top cake was the hardest I just love making cupcakes so they were a pleasure to make although I have never baked so many in one go.  I made the bride and groom out of icing (normally I use Fimo) which brought it's own problems ~ the black icing would not go hard so the groom was propped up everywhere. 

  Bride and groom on the top cake with the bonfire (made from matchmakers ~ orange flavour of course) with a few rockets on the floor.

Cupcakes everywhere!!!

The finished wedding cake dressed with fresh flowers.

A huge thank you to the Bride and Groom for my gorgeous (unexpected) bouquet of flowers xx

I think the whole cake turned out very well and I had a great experience making it and learnt a few things along the way I can't say I am going to make another though lol!!! Too stressful (although possibly worth it!)

Just one more thing to announce

The winner of my little giveaway is ~ peppermintpatty ~  Congratulations!! If you email me your address I will get your package sent out to you straight away xx

Also a huge YIPPEE!! as one of my cards won top 3 at Penny Black @ Allsorts

Thank you for visiting my blog today and please feel free to leave a comment.

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday evening
Love Em x


::cupcakesandbiscuits:: said...

You did an amazing job Emma, I hope you are suitably proud, you should be!!
Well done with your card too!

Julia said...

Ah well done, its nice to see all the pics of it, no wonder they were pleased!! A triumph!!!!
Love J x