Friday, 30 March 2012

Back and ready for action!!!

Hi everyone!

Sorry I have been so quiet on here lately.  I have been totally wiped out by the flu for the last 2 weeks.  Today is the first day that I have felt back in the land of the living ~ and I have a lot to catch up on.

Just before I became unwell the lovely Sandra sent me this award.
 Thank you so much Sandra it really has made my day.

 Now onto the terms & conditions.....
· 1, This award is for any blogging friend who has helped you develop your blog in many ways
· 2, This award is for any co-blogging friend who has cheered you along in your blog building craft advancing career
· 3, This award is for co-blogging friend who always stops and is kind to you can count on them to always be one of the great comments at the end of your post
· 4, This award is to be given to 3-5 blends whom you feel meet the listed requirements
· 5, Create a post with the terms of use and publish your blends of choice
· 6, Blend of choice may copy the award from your blog and proudly post it on theirs
· 7, Blend of choice may continue the kindness by issuing this award to keep the circle forever growing

So now here are my choices

Thank you to all these lovely ladies for your daily inspiration, and beautiful creations.

Now I am off to have a cup of tea in the sunshine while it lasts.

Love Em x